Our Latest Products:

Keep your new Cherrypak fresh, or give new life to an old one
Chanie and I have been taking advantage of technology so we can work together from separate countries to bring you innovative Cherrypak products. It is a fantastic experience, and at times I forget how far away from each other we actually are. We are finding this unique experience is helping us here at Cherrypak. We take time discussing differences in cultures and merge different thoughts and ideas together using a virtual world to connect with you, our customer.
And we forget you may be far away, too. Because here, when we work together from our homes, we are working to bring you comfort and healing, as well as a touch of luxury.

Being good to ourselves is a theme Chanie and I find ourselves talking about a lot.
We both have chronic health issues and have learned over the course of time to plunge forward despite them. Determination and perseverance are good traits. But somewhere in there we have to find ways to let our bodies and minds heal. In our fast paced environment it is hard to carve out time to do that.
The importance of self soothing and self care seems to be lost in the daily rat race. So, Chanie and I enjoy brainstorming ways we can make Cherrypaks personal, soothing, and healing.
Living should be simple when it can be. And it should be luxurious at times, even if we have to make it be. We deserve a bit of luxury! We think our new Cherrypak covers can bring both.
Pre-washed and Preshrunk, our new Cherrypak covers come lined and in sizes to fit all of our products. They are designed to bring luxury and simplicity together in a way that helps you remember to find time for healing and self soothing.
Cherrypak covers are especially nice for our newly introduced, lined, linen bags. They provide protection and aesthetic appeal. Just take them off and throw them in the washer and dryer. But they aren’t just for the linen bags. Give any Cherrypak a facelift! Choose your favorite fabric right on our website.
And when you want to reach out to a friend, a loved one, or someone who needs a bit of soothing or tender care? Our linen bags and covers give them a touch of the luxury they deserve, and a bit of the simplicity they need, at just the right time.